Foto Pablo Elías (250)_lowLow_thumbtapa

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Speaker Performing Kiosk is a sound performance project that takes the form of an autarchic performing device: a portable self-contained sonic node designed to potentially be performed at any venue or site. It develops the idea of the speaker not as an object that reproduces sound but as an object that generates it, creating an electronic instrument that uses analog feedback as its main material. Holding two wireless microphones in his hands, the performer transforms the emerging sound in real time both acoustically – by moving through the space and physically exploring and altering the resulting interference patterns – and digitally – by means of a computer software (SuperCollider).  No pre-recorded sounds or sensors of any kind are used. All sonic material is created in real-time by the performer’s actions. While inside the device, the performer creates fields of resonance and shifting currents of air pressure in the space using his body as an antenna to interact with this hybrid system.
This “stand-alone” device consists of an aluminum cubic structure of 8x8x8 feet that can hold its own light and sound systems. The eight speakers and the two microphones become the actual sound sources, while the room, the computer and the actions of the performer modulate them; acoustic and digital data are entwined, unbalancing the sound flux into a feedback choir.

Speaker Performing Kiosk es un proyecto de performance sonora que toma la forma de un dispositivo autárquico: un nodo sónico autosuficiente diseñado para ser emplazado que cualquier sitio. Desarrolla la idea del parlante no como un objeto que reproduce sonido sino como uno que lo genera, y del cuerpo como unidad de transformación. Con dos micrófonos inalámbricos en sus manos, el performer transforma los acoples resultantes acústicamente – desplazándose en el espacio y explorando sus patrones de interferencia – y digitalmente – a través del software SuperCollider. No se utilizan sonidos pre-grabados ni sensores de ningún tipo. Todo el material sonoro se genera en tiempo real. Mientras permanece dentro del dispositivo, el performer crea campos de resonancia y corrientes caóticas de aire usando su cuerpo como una antena. Los parlantes y micrófonos se vuelven las fuentes sonoras, mientras que el recinto, la computadora y el cuerpo del performer las modulan, desequilibrando el flujo sonoro en un coro de acoples.

[DOWNLOAD] SPEAKER PERFORMING KIOSK – LIVE SESSIONS VOL. 1 (a digital album released by Inkilino Records)

Live at Festival RUIDO – Centro Cultural Kirchner

Live at MAMBA Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires during the presentation of Live Sessions Volume 1 live De Luxe Limited Edition CD

Speaker Performing Kiosk | The Mamba Sessions from Inkilino Records on Vimeo.

Live at the Chapel Performance Space [Seattle, WA]

Live at ICMC 2011 [Huddersfield, UK]
