The Voice of the Market

The Voice of Art

The Voice of God

The Voice of the Institutions
Archivo P.A.I.S is an ongoing sound archive project that explores the tensions between sound and meaning in spoken voice. It researches on the musicality within speech and in the sounds produced in public spaces. It uses these sounds as a structure for musical composition that is based open both to their acoustic and semantic qualities. This coincidence can incorporate in a musical sense the subject of enunciation into a musical composition. When we hear a person speaking, we not only listen to the meaning of the words, but also to the voice’s particular timbre, its fluctuations and dynamics, accents, melodic gestures, rhythmic patterns. The referential quality of speech adds a final layer of complexity in which both musical and semantic levels influence each other. The use of different accents, intonations, and timbre modulations can violently change the literal meaning of spoken language, just as the context of enunciation can modify the way we listen to a sound. Drawing upon these interests, P.A.I.S. develops its archive as an ongoing project or work in progress, using at times its material to produce musical compositions and transdisciplinary works in public spaces. These works explore music within oral speech and conceive public spaces as memory loci with the ability of modifying the perception of sounds within them.
Archivo P.A.I.S. is also a project of institutional fiction which registers, catalogs and analyses voice recordings of anonymous voices in public spaces. Within the Argentinian context where official institutions might not last or achieve any continuity over time, Archivo P.A.I.S. stands out as a fictional institution that has lingered on for over 35 years of uninterrupted work.
It is organized in four main sections that gather the informal versions found on the streets of the economic, institutional, religious and artistic discourses.
Artículo en castellano acerca del Archivo P.A.I.S.
“ARCHIVO P.A.I.S.: 35 años” at CASo [Centro de Arte Sonoro] | Curador: Sebastián Vidal Mackinson
ARCHIVO P.A.I.S. at CASo Centro de Arte Sonoro (Buenos Aires, AR)