For piano and electronic sounds.
About the piano version of TERRERO from 2004:
If a translation can be considered an act of treason, then Terrero is the reult on an arbitrary chain of betrayals, of which the present version is merely its mosts recent link. Originally written for two classical guitars, the piece works around a series of displacements. The first of these is the idea of building a genre as if seen through the perspective of another one, followed by the absurd notion of creating a guitar discourse based on a model for piano, and ending up with this version for piano, by means of a fraudulent return to the instrument that originally inspired it. “Terrero” is therefore a piece which betrays the guitars, revealing the various pianos – both tango and classical ones – that inspired the original version. But this betrayal does not go unpunished: the piano discourse has inevitable been filtered by the instruments that preceded it. The guitar, that imagined itself a piano to translate one genre into another, now becomes the only vestige through which those original pianos can once again be recalled.
Piano performed by Susana Kasakoff. Released in the CD Piano Ex Machina (BAU Records 2007)
Intro (extract): intro
Section 3 (extract): piano_first_section
review by Federico Mojeau-Clarin
NOTE: TERRERO was originally written for two guitars and electronic sounds in 1999 and released in the CD Intervenciones 99/00 (BAU Records 2002)