Still from the accompanying video by Sebastián Ziccarello
A series of 10 short electronic pieces for 4 loudspeakers.
Composed exclusively using material from the P.A.I.S. Archive, Ex Votos Electrónicos is a series of 10 short pieces inspired by the popular tradition of offering a popular saint a small object or a painting as a grateful gift for a miracle accomplished. Featuring anonymous voices recorded on the streets of Mexico and other cities like Buenos Aires or Montevideo, the piece builds an imaginary soundscape of vocal utterances in Latin America. During the concert, a video projection by Sebastián Ziccarello was included, showing a mosaic of Virgen de Luján placed on a commute subway station, as it gets caressed by people walking by it.
Produced by Festival Radar5, XXII Festival de México en el Centro Histórico. Espacio Ex Teresa Arte Actual.
With support from Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and Archivo P.A.I.S.
Premiered on March 24th, 2006
Short video with selections from the premiere.